Dedicated Server


To start a dedicated server, launch core.exe with the following params:

core.exe -dedicated (port number) [-set params (config_file)]

for example:

core.exe -dedicated 10510 -set params dedicated.ini

Configuration file must be in installation path, under "gpbikes" folder.

If not set SERVER.INI is used.


name =
maxclient =
password =
admin_password =
bandwidth = ; 0 -> low, 1 -> medium, 2 -> high
max_ping =
whitelist = ; the filename of the whitelist
blacklist = ; the filename of the blacklist
polls_disable = ; if set to 1, polls are disabled
MOTD = ; message of the day

results =  ; html or xml, If set it will automatically export results at the end of the race
directory = ; the directory where results will be saved ( must exist )
units =  ; 0 -> metric units, 1 -> US units, 2 -> UK units

save = ; 0 or 1, If set to 1 it will automatically save the full replay at the end of the race
directory = ; the directory where replays will be saved ( must exist )

track = ; track ID ( for ex. Victoria )
track_layout = ; track layout ( for ex. Short ). Empty -> Default;
category = ; bike category allowed. Empty -> Open; GP125; GP125 Cup; GP500; GP1000

class = ; A -> 2000+, B -> 1600-1999; C -> 1200-1599; D -> 800-1199

realistic = ; 0 or 1, if set to 1, following params are ignored
conditions = ; 0 -> sunny, 1 -> cloudy, 2 -> rainy
temperature = ; air temperature, celsius
wind_direction = ; 0 -> north, 1 -> north-east, 2 -> east, ..., 7 -> north-west
wind_speed = ; meters/second
track_conditions = ; 0 -> dry, 1 -> wet

force_cockpit = ; 0 or 1
no_aids = ; 0 or 1
limited_tyre_sets = ; 0 or 1

quick_race = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, practice, warmup, sighting lap and warmup lap are skipped
practice_length = ; minutes
qualify_length = ; minutes
warmup_length = ; minutes
sighting_lap = ; 0 or 1
race_length = ; % of full length
restart_delay = ; server restart time in seconds
pause = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, the event is paused and saved at the end of "pause_session"
pause_session = ; practice, qualify, warmup or race
pause_directory = ; the directory where data is saved. The default is "resume"
resume = ; the file to load to resume an event

enable = ; 1 to enable live timing
port = ; the UDP port
password =

You can set up to 9 additional tracks, in the "events" section:


The server will move to the next at each restart and wrap to the first after the last. The same track and layout can be repeated multiple times in the 10 "slots".

The whitelist and blacklist are a text file using the following format:

guid = ........

guid = ........

guid = ........

The GUID can be read in the "Profiles" page.

In the dedicated server text input, it is possible to type: "restart" to reset the server "update whitelist" to update the whitelist "update blacklist" to update the blacklist

NOTE: a license is not needed to start a dedicated server.

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